
活动吸引到了众多才华横溢的演讲人。当看到每位演讲嘉宾激情盎然的演讲时,我知道我们拥有着优秀的会员基础,如澳大利亚联邦国库部长助理,圣乔治银行首席经济学家,ASIC理事,税务局小企业的理事代表。我们还荣幸地邀请到Samuel Johnson(2018年度澳大利亚人获提名人)作为主讲嘉宾。
Damien Moore FIPA FFA
2018---What a year!
It has been an astounding year for the Institute as reported in our 2017-18annual report and to the AGM held in Sydney on 31October,highlighting the significant growth of the IPA Group.
The year is closing with its normal flurry of activity.Of particular note in these last few months of 2018were the IPA’S National Congress in Sydney in October/November followed immediately after by the World Congress of Accountants.
I am continually impressed with the IPA team’s co-ordination of such an event that is continually so successful as the National Congress and,from my observation,all participating members enjoyed both the educational and social programs.
The event attracted a plethora of talented presenters.I think you know you are on sound footing when you have the calibre of keynote speakers such as the Assistant Treasurer of the Commonwealth of Australia,chief economist of St George Bank,the ASIC commissioner,the ATO’s deputy commissioner for small business,and the outgoing Inspector-General of Taxation.Having Samuel Johnson,also as a keynote speaker,was indeed a pleasure.
Well done to all involved and my thanks to the hundreds of members who attended,which is what such events are all about.
Naturally,we could not compete with the numbers of accountants in attendance at the World Congress,which was quite staggering to experience.It is a great achievement to acknowledge that this one in every four year event was hosted here in Australia.
Seeing literally thousands of attendees and the many exhibitors is a strong reminder that we are indeed a part of global profession and it is leasing to know that the IPA Group is among the top 20professional accounting organisations in the world.
Again,the IPA team did us proud with a great exhibition,as did our Group CEO Andrew Conway,who delivered an excellent keynote speech.
Events such as our National Congress should be a feature in your calendar wherever possible.Not only do they maintain up to date knowledge and contribute to your commitment to CPD,they provide excellent networking opportunities with your peers.
On that note,I am pleased to announce that National Congress 2019will be held in Adelaide.Pre-registrations have already opened,and I would encourage members to take up the early bird registration offer.
I am also pleased to advise that I have been given the privilege at our AGM to continue as board president for the next term,so I look forward to an even more exciting year ahead.
In closing,I would like to acknowledge the efforts of the IPA team throughout what has been a busy calendar year and,importantly,thank our loyal members for their ongoing support.I wish you all a very happy Christmas;stay safe and I look forward to working with you in 2019.
Damien Moore FIPA FFA